Slips, trips and falls

NIOSH Ladder safety app

This tool is a phone application which is both free and easy to install. It was developed to improve extension ladder safety.Hopefully, this simple mobile application will provide applicable information concerning the proper slope and angle of ladders commonly used in homes and workplaces. It is especially useful for small enterprises because of how easy it is to use and the fact that it is free. 


Quiz – Campaign „Keep up!“ - Safety on ladders and treads

Falling from heights (whether it is from a ladder or from stairs) often results in severe accidents. This does not only involve serious injuries, but there is a range from temporary to permanent disability, possibly with a longer absence from work, or even casualties. One main focus hence should be the conduct and manner of working of the staff members.


Roofing: decision aid to the implementation of the protection device against falls from heights in the roofing sector

This brochure proposes an evaluation matrix for determining a priority and depending on the type of construction and its environment, the most appropriate collective protection against the risk of falling from heights. 

This matrix has been approved by professional trade unions and organizations responsible for enforcing regulation and prevention of occupational risks.


Roofing: Risk Prevention of falls from heights – Recommendations CRAMIF n° 20

Sorry, this article is only available in the original french version.

You can find an abstract in English here.


“Let us talk about slips, trips and falls – That’s good!”

As a quarter of all accidents in domestic professions (domestic aid, care, technical interventions) are slips, trips and falls almost every third accident is caused by this. For the elder residents, who are the beneficiaries of such aids, 80% of the accidents are slips, trips and falls which may lead to a need for domestic aid or care.  How can these risks be prevented? By analyzing the working situations and acting together. The protective devices concern the resident, the employee but in particular the boss/manager of the enterprise and influence the working organization.


Walk Like a Penguin