Migrant workers face greater risks compared to their Italian colleagues when it comes to developing and/or effectively managing hypertension. Migration requires significant cultural adjustments and substantial changes to traditional dietary habits and lifestyles, which are often not favorable.


Videos on hazardous substance

Hazardous substances are found almost everywhere and the risks they pose should not be underestimated. A good risk assessment helps to handle these hazards so that you can work safely with them and protect the health of your employees.


International symposium "Cultural Diversity at Work - Safe and Healthy Integration of Skilled Workers"

What does safe and healthy cooperation look like in a culturally diverse workplace? The interaction between migration and occupational health and safety will be the focus of the international symposium "Cultural Diversity at Work - Safe and Healthy Integration of Skilled Workers," to be held 27-29 May, 2024, in Dresden (Germany) in a hybrid format.


Fact Sheet on Explosion Protection: Storage of wood pellets

Wood pellets are usually made from wood waste such as shavings from planing and sawing, and also from bark.The comminuted wood flour is compressed under high pressure.

When storing pellets, two largely underrated hazards arise:

a) Formation of a hazardous explosive atmosphere
b) Formation of significant quantities of carbon monoxide (CO) that pose a threat to life


Help Alliance for Ukrainian Workers


Unite and mobilize the global family of occupational safety and health Experts and Prevention Specialists including Safety Suppliers as partners in a Global Help Alliance for Ukrainian Workers.


Hygiene and hazardous substances

Hygiene in the workplace is important. Especially when working with hazardous or carcinogenic substances. This is because these substances can be deposited and then absorbed unnoticed. For more on hygiene see this video from the Austrian Workers' Compensation Board AUVA (www.auva.at/youtube).


Identification and evaluation of hazards, determination of measures

Explosion Hazards

This brochure helps entrepreneurs in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to identify hazards from explosions in the workplace. It provides assistance in assessing the risks involved and recommendations for preventive protective measures. The brochure does not cover other types of explosion, e.g. uncontrolled reactions, detonations of highly explosive substances or the of highly explosive substances or the bursting of pressure vessels.


ISSA-Instruction “Reactive chemicals and chemical reactions”

This safety instruction points out some aspects of plant and process safety. Chemical reactions often release energy – they are exothermic and produce heat. If this heat is dissipated in a controlled manner, the process is safe. Deviations in the course of the reaction or insufficient cooling may lead to a dangerous runaway reaction. The prerequisites for a safe implementation and management of chemical processes therefore include knowledge and control of the process parameters.


ISSA-Instruction “Handling hazardous substances: occupational hygiene measures”

This safety instruction points out some important aspects for the safe handling of hazardous substances which may endanger health. In particular, the lessons describe basic occupational hygiene measures and complement the safety instructions on the topic of “Handling hazardous substances". The training tool is intended to assist managers for the personal instruction of employees and to start an open discussion on the topic of occupational safety. The safety briefing set enables superiors to share their knowledge about safe working to their subordinates and colleagues, especially with vulnerable groups.


Information sheet: Behavior in case of accidents and fire

Companies that make use of the counselling service "AUVAsicher" receive various materials that can be used to implement employee protection in their businesses.

Accidents can happen. In order to work safely and healthily, employees have to know how to behave in the event of an emergency. Emergency preparedness supports the efficient design of first aid and fire protection in the workplace.


Information sheet: Visual function

The Workers' Protection Act (ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetz - ASchG) obliges employers to ensure the safety and health protection of workers in the workplace. Among other things, the design of the work has to take the age of the employees into account.

For AUVAsicher, the prevention focus "Age-appropriate work" is a reason to take a closer look at the potential of age-appropriate working conditions for the maintenance of health and work ability. The occupational physicians of AUVAsicher has created an information leaflet on the change of visual function in the course of the working career.


The International Media Festival for Prevention 2023

Since 1990, the International Media Festival for Prevention (IMFP) has taken place every three years in the framework of the World Congress for Safety and Health at Work. The Media Festival offers an overview of films and multimedia productions about safety and health at work from all over the world and provides an opportunity for participants to present their media products to a major group of influential international safety and health professionals.


Enjoy the sun safely! How to prevent excessive exposure to sunlight at workplace

Sunlight  has positive effects on human health; it plays a very important role  for the synthesis of the vitamin D; it has also an environmental  antibacterial action, so that it can prevent infections; besides it  promotes positive effects from the psychological point of view, acting  as an effective antidepressant. Last but not least, a beautiful tan  often helps us to have a more pleasant aspect and help us keep fit.


German Road Safety

Mobility is a requirement to participate in social life. With the help of mobility people can meet their individual needs and participate actively in their environment. But still mobility holds risks and dangers. Every day, people are involved in traffic accidents. We have to record fatalities and serious injuries every day.


ISSA-Instruction Working at machines

Working at machines may be dangerous for safety and health. Therefore, at least some basic information about dangerous points are required. This short safety instruction can be used to highlight specific aspects of handling machines at the workplace, in particular for small and medium sized enterprises. 


Collect protection measures with “GHS Jewels”

www.gischem.de, the homepage of the dangerous substances information system, aims to provide an easy and playful approach to the pictograms of dangerous substances.

The game “GHS Jewels” illustrates labelling symbols for chemicals with adverse health effects, as well as the basic principles for safe handling measures, thereby referring to the work place where the pictograms can be found.


Well-hedged with the BGN-Updates

The methodical tools "update occupational safety" and “update skin protection” were developed to support teachers at vocational colleges during training with students  from the gastronomy, hotel industry and bake/cake shops. Students are given understanding of the serious and important topic of safety at work and of the correct hand protection and hygiene.

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This short guide aims to explain some basic concepts of prevention in the workplaces. When we organize training courses, we try to create a channel of communication through which we want to share some simple concepts between professionals – whose language is not always easily understandable – and those who wish to learn more about prevention. This glossary also briefly explains the organization of prevention within Italian companies and we therefore believe that it will be particularly useful to migrant workers. 


Dangerous chemical agents: instructions for workers

This informative product illustrates the hazards related to the usage of dangerous chemicals, in the light of the latest European and Italian regulations. The product may be used for information and training of workers about chemicals, especially with regard to the new classification and labeling of dangerous substances and mixtures (European Regulation n°1272/2008 - CLP).



The "Dangerous Substances" working group within the Chemistry Section of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), in cooperation with BASF SE, has prepared a short video clip explaining the hazard pictograms in terms of both physical hazards and health risks. The video enables superiors to share their knowledge about safe working to their subordinates and colleagues, especially with vulnerable groups.


Healthy and fit in a small company

How brainstorming meetings can help

By means of this tool, SME are e.g. enabled to optimise their workflow, to increase product quality, to improve internal organisation or to avoid stress and thus to initiate a continuous improvement process in cooperation with their staff in so-called "brainstorming meetings".


Fit and healthy in small enterprises


How can an enterprise quickly and simply evaluate if a work activity causes heat stress? The brochure offers a short and practice-oriented observation procedure for hazard evaluation and measures for the protection of the staff against heat stress.



A Rucksack to avoid back pain

This microsite was developed for employers and employees of small, medium and big enterprises to improve the knowledge about back pain, its prevention and the possibilities to influence the conditions at work. On the site you can find a collection of several tools for employees as well as for experts for occupational health and safety, f. i. information about back pain, media, films, online-tests, posters a. s. o. All examples are from the food stuff industries and the catering trade. 

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Click here for an abstract in English.


ISSA-Instruction „Use of Extinguisher“

An extinguisher is a powerful tool for fighting small fires. But for a correct use, at least some basic information is required. This short safety instruction can be used to highlight specific aspects of handling extinguishers. The safety briefing set enables superiors to share their knowledge to their subordinates and colleagues.


ISSA-Instruction "Safety Signs"

The European Directive 92/58/EWG states minimum requirements for safety and health protection markings at the work place, and depicts various categories of markings. Employees must be instructed on the significance of these safety and health protection markings before the start of their employment, also in regular intervals hereafter. 


Manufacturing of aluminium-made profiles

This informative booklet deals with those risks that could potentially occur during the fabrication of aluminium-made profiles (frames and shutters). It aims to improve safety and health of workers, especially the ones operating in small and medium enterprises.


Be prepared well for the emergency!

Traumatic incidents – these are disturbing exceptions from the normal events in daily life. They happen seldom but they are very stressful and may have grave consequences. We do not like to think that grave accidents, acts of violence, fear and horror can break in our life and even in our company processes. To be prepared in the case of emergency important hints have been put together in the brochure “Gut vorbereitet für den Ernstfall!” (Be prepared well for the emergency). This brochure shall help to minimize the consequences of traumatic experiences.


Hotel, restaurant and catering trade - competent, safe and cost-efficient

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The Demografic Situation of the German Hotel and Catering Sector: 2000 – 2010 (INDIGHO)

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Click here for an abstract in English.


Green Jobs: impact on the health and safety of workers

Green Jobs contribute significantly to preserving or restoring environmental quality (UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme, 2008); Additionally, they represent an opportunity to overcome the economic crisis by creating new jobs (EU - 2020 strategy).


Maintenance and Changes in Plants with High Safety Requirements

This brochure is focussed on hazards that are associated with maintenance and changes. It presents case studies and practical solutions to control such hazards.


ISSA Posters GHS

The "Dangerous Substances" working group within the Chemistry Section of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), in cooperation with BG RCI Prevention Section, has prepared several posters based on the European draft regulation. These posters show the new hazard pictograms and a comparison of existing and future hazard communication in terms of both physical hazards and health risks.


Occupational Exposure Limits

Occupational exposure limits (OELs) are important evaluation criteria for determining possible exposure of dangerous chemical substances and the appropriate technical, organisational, and, in certain cases, personal protective measures at the workplace. Depending on the hazard potential of substances or on the possible exposure route, different states and communities have developed different procedures for determining limit values and additional notations.


ISSA-Instruction Storage of Chemicals

Safe storage of chemicals is not only relevant in chemical plants; the products in the following examples are also chemicals:

  • Paint and varnishes of a painter workshop,
  • Cleaning and disinfecting agents of a cleaning company,
  • Oils, solvents and thinners in a repair shop,
  • Building foams, cement residue remover of a construction company,
  • Gas bottles with acetylene, oxygen, liquefied gases of a locksmith.

As indicated in various legal and technical standards, the instruction of workers for safety topics is crucial.


ISSA-Instruction Maintenance in Plants with High Safety Requirements

Maintenance is part of the usual business in process plants. As indicated in various legal and technical standards, the instruction of workers for safety topics is crucial. In practice, it is very difficult to ensure safety. The accident rate of maintenance work is still a major focus point. 


ISSA-Instruction "Hazardous Substances"

Working with hazardous substances may be dangerous for safety and health. Therefore, at least some basic information is required. This short safety instruction can be used to highlight specific aspects of handling hazardous substances at the workplace, in particular for small and mediumsized enterprises. The safety briefing set enables superiors to share their knowledge about safe working to their subordinates and colleagues, especially with vulnerable groups.


ISSA-Instruction "Handling Chlorine Gas Cylinders"

Chlorine is a toxic gas. Nevertheless, it is used for many tasks, e.g. for disinfection in swimming baths. Changing the gas cylinders has to be done very carefully, but without fear. This short safety instruction can be used to highlight specific aspects of handling gas cylinders especially in public swimming bath. The safety briefing set enables superiors to share their knowledge about safe working to their subordinates and colleagues, especially with vulnerable groups.


Risk assessment for SMEs

Asbestos-containing serpentinite: vital rules for the processing

The employer is responsible for occupational safety and health protection in a company. He is responsible for ensuring that no accidents occur and that the health of employees is not harmed.
The risk assessment for SMEs is addressed to companies with special risks and less than 10 employees. According to the EKAS directive on the involvement of occupational physicians and other occupational safety specialists (ASA directive), companies with special hazards and less than 10 employees can prove systematic assessment of hazards or the measures taken by simple means, e.g. with completed checklists.
For companies with 50 or more employees as well as companies with special hazards and 10 or more employees, an operational safety system (ASA) is mandatory.


Risk assessment for SMEs

Eight vital rules for the maintenance of machines and installations

The employer is responsible for occupational safety and health protection in a company. He is responsible

for ensuring that no accidents occur and that the health of employees is not harmed.
The risk assessment for SMEs is addressed to companies with special risks and less than 10 employees. According to the EKAS directive on the involvement of occupational physicians and other occupational safety specialists (ASA directive), companies with special hazards and less than 10 employees can prove systematic assessment of hazards or the measures taken by simple means, e.g. with completed checklists.
For companies with 50 or more employees as well as companies with special hazards and 10 or more employees, an operational safety system (ASA) is mandatory.


Risk assessment for SMEs

5 + 5 vital rules for dealing with electricity for electricians

The employer is responsible for occupational safety and health protection in a company. He is responsible for ensuring that no accidents occur and that the health of employees is not harmed.
The risk assessment for SMEs is addressed to companies with special risks and less than 10 employees. According to the EKAS directive on the involvement of occupational physicians and other occupational safety specialists (ASA directive), companies with special hazards and less than 10 employees can prove systematic assessment of hazards or the measures taken by simple means, e.g. with completed checklists.
For companies with 50 or more employees as well as companies with special hazards and 10 or more employees, an operational safety system (ASA) is mandatory.
