
Working from home? 6 tips for setting up your workstation

Many of us have recently received the direction to work from home. In some cases, the news was a simple “grab and go” situation, grabbing your laptop and heading home. Some people may be lucky enough to have equipment that can help with a temporary home office set-up, such as a mouse, external keyboard, or monitor.


AUVA app: Computer workstation

The new generations of smartphones and tablets are increasingly being used for a wide variety of purposes. The Austrian Worker´s Compensation Board (AUVA) wants this trend to continue and has begun developing a number of different apps following extensive preparatory work.


Fit and healthy in small enterprises

Climate in the office

Why is it just in winter that the air in the office is dry? What is the possible benefit of ventilation and air-conditioning systems? What is the "sickbuilding syndrome"? These questions and others are answered in the information leaflet „Klima im Büro – Antworten auf die häufigsten Fragen“ (climate in the office - answers to the most frequently asked questions).

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Click here for an abstract in English.


Fit and healthy in small enterprises

Evaluation of the room climate

The brochure offers practical help in the evaluation of the room climate and possible solutions for the removal or reduction of problems arising from the room climate.

Sorry, this article is only available in the original german version.

Click here for an abstract in English.


Working with Visual Display Units (VDUs)

Sorry, this article is only available in the original italian version.

Click here for an abstract in English.


Prevention in the office goes online with the FCOS Box

The FCOS Box (!/home) provides a virtual tour of various office situations that deal with the following areas: “Working ergonomically”, “Accident prevention”, “Setting up the office” and “Office planning”. With a generous dash of humour, the two characters Sophie and Alex show how health and safety in the office can be improved with relatively little effort.
