Hotel and restaurant industry

Shisha bars: BGN has determined minimum value for ventilation

A shisha bar needs an efficient, technical ventilation system. Efficient means that in the guest area at least 130 cubic metres of air per hour and per burning hookah must be removed and replaced by fresh air. This was identified by the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the foodstuffs and catering industry (BGN) in practice tests. Ventilation through open windows and doors is usually not sufficient.


Fact Sheet No. 3: Shut the Door - against Cyber Attacks on Small Businesses

The small historical restaurant named „Zum Lamm” with 20 employees is located at the centre of Bonn. It has been a popular destination for decades as this is the third generation of owners in the family. However, over the last 10 days, the restaurant remains closed, as its online booking system, computers and POs devices have become inaccessible. A few days earlier the owner had received a convincing email with an invoice attached supposedly from their trusted wine supplier. 


Ventilation against Corona: BGN guidelines: Ventilation measures in rooms of the hotel and restaurant industry

With the recent Corona outbreaks, the transmission of the viruses through the air in the form of aerosols has become a particular focus of discussion.

It can be assumed that, in addition to the consistent adherence to the known measures such as keeping distance and wearing a mouth and nose covering, the risk of transmission is significantly minimised by adequate ventilation.


Sector Hospitality

Supplementation of risk assessment in terms of the SARS-CoV2 occupational safety standard

To support its member companies in coping with the Corona pandemic, the BGN (German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the foodstuffs and catering industry) has developed guidelines for various sectors.


The self-check “safety and health in the enterprise”

The Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel und Gaststätten (BGN) offers free of charge a self-check „safety and health in the enterprise“ as a web-app which can be used with each modern smartphone with up-dated browser.

With the self-check every entrepreneur of the BGN-branches can find out which significance the topics safety and health at work do have in their enterprise and if these topics have already been integrated in the daily work. This check is not time-consuming: about 30 minutes of process time and for evaluation.


Traditional catering

In the catering industry, the reduction of the difficulties in recruiting requires the improvement of the working conditions and the development of the occupational risks prevention.

In France there are around 1 680 000 working days that are lost each year due to catering-related activities, accidents at work, commuting accidents and professional diseases. This represents the equivalent of 4 600 full-time jobs over the year!


BGN app for young workers

The BGN-Azubi-App "In der Beruf starten – fit und gesund" is a smartphone app that specifically targets young workers in the hospitality industry. The app is designed to support young people in the phase of transition from school to work and therefore is primarily aimed at trainees in the first year of training.



More than twenty years since the landing of 20,000 Albanians with the sugar bowl Vlora in the Port of Bari (August 1991), the very first mass immigration to Italy, our Country has now got more than four million foreign residents, many of whom engaged in work activities.

The Italian government recently ruled that all workers should be guaranteed both a 4-hour general safety training and a specific training relating to their own specific occupational risk (at least 4 additional hours for tourism personnel );every new employee must receive this training and every five years refresher courses must also provided (Agreement between the Italian Government and its Regions, December 2011).


The Demografic Situation of the German Hotel and Catering Sector: 2000 – 2010 (INDIGHO)

Sorry, this article is only available in the original german version.

Click here for an abstract in English.


Sector Ice Cream Parlours

Supplementation of risk assessment in terms of the SARS-CoV2 occupational safety standard

To support its member companies in coping with the Corona pandemic, the BGN (German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the foodstuffs and catering industry) has developed guidelines for various sectors.


An easy first aid manual for the Horeca sector

We greatly appreciated the work done by the physicians and the training experts of the French INRS with their valuable “ Sauvetage Secourisme du Travail Guide des données techniques et conduit à tenir”( Inrs Department Formation, 2014) to organize  a simple first aid manual  specifically designed for the  HORECA sector. Many foreign workers are now working in this sector in our Country and some of them are in charge of first aid at work.


Hotel, restaurant and catering trade - competent, safe and cost-efficient

Sorry, this article is only available in the original german version.

Click here for an abstract in English.


Mental Stress in the enterprise-New guideline for small enterprises

A risk assessment is a legal duty. It makes sense to add an evaluation of mental strains at the workplace and to provide a detailed insight into concrete strain situations.

BGN now offers guidelines for the evaluation of psychological hazards, especially for the hospitality sector, the bakery and the meat processing industry. 


Working together safely

A Guide for Health and Safety at Work for Tourism.
