Electrical trade

The five Safety Heroes!

In order to be able to work safely on electrical installations, they have to be completely disconnected for the duration of the repair or installation work. Especially during longer work assignments, however, there is an increased risk that other employees will reconnect an installation because they do not know that a colleague is working on it. For this reason, Five Safety Rules have been developed to provide ongoing protection from the beginning to the end of the work.


Risk assessment for SMEs

5 + 5 vital rules for dealing with electricity for electricians

The employer is responsible for occupational safety and health protection in a company. He is responsible for ensuring that no accidents occur and that the health of employees is not harmed.
The risk assessment for SMEs is addressed to companies with special risks and less than 10 employees. According to the EKAS directive on the involvement of occupational physicians and other occupational safety specialists (ASA directive), companies with special hazards and less than 10 employees can prove systematic assessment of hazards or the measures taken by simple means, e.g. with completed checklists.
For companies with 50 or more employees as well as companies with special hazards and 10 or more employees, an operational safety system (ASA) is mandatory.


App “Supplementary risk assessment”

The German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the energy, textile, electrical and media products sectors (BG ETEM) has developed an app for smartphones and tablet computers to be used by its member companies. This app allows to create a “supplementary risk assessment for construction and assembly sites“ directly at the workplace. The app contains a checklist that can be worked through at the construction and assembly site.

Up-to-date information on the construction site can easily be added to the risk assessment set up within the company. Once the documentation is completed in a PDF format, it can directly be emailed via the app to the company.
