Mental Stress in the enterprise-New guideline for small enterprises

A risk assessment is a legal duty. It makes sense to add an evaluation of mental strains at the workplace and to provide a detailed insight into concrete strain situations.

BGN now offers guidelines for the evaluation of psychological hazards, especially for the hospitality sector, the bakery and the meat processing industry. In the “Beurteilungshilfen – Psychische Gefährdungen im Betrieb” (assessment assistance – psychological hazards in the enterprise) which are structured according to different areas of the enterprise, possible hazards are listed. Detailed questions will help to detect if these hazards also play a role at the workplaces of the individual enterprise.

BGN offers consulting and special seminars to enterprises dealing with this subject for the first time in order to get the necessary basic knowledge.

Further information online at or directly at:

Constanze Nordbrock